The Journal of Addiction Medicine
Published six times a year, the Journal of Addiction Medicine (JAM) is the official journal of the American Society of Addiction Medicine. Clarivate’s 2024 Journal Citation Reports ranks JAM 5th among the 55 journals in the “Substance Abuse” category.

JAM Accepting Applications for Statistical Editor (2025-2027)
Exceptional candidates for the position will possess a doctoral degree, have experience in scientific publishing, and substantial knowledge of statistical methods including pharmacoepidemiology, implementation science and causal inference.
The Statistical Editors are appointed to renewable 3-year terms, offering an exciting opportunity to advance addiction medicine and shape the future of academic publishing. Annual stipend is available.
Application Deadline: March 31, 2025
About the Journal of Addiction Medicine
Journal of Addiction Medicine (JAM) is a leading peer-reviewed journal that promotes excellence in clinical research and the practice of addiction medicine. Published bi-monthly under the guidance of an esteemed Editorial Board, JAM editors select articles that focus on research developments, treatment innovations, and ethical, economic, forensic, and social topics. Each issue offers CE opportunities.
First published in March 2007, JAM has been indexed in Medline since 2011. JAM’s ranking and impact factor, published by Clarivate, have been on a steady upward trajectory since 2014.
ASAM members receive exclusive features related to the Journal, including access to all issues and articles published by the journal since 2007, access to the Table of Contents and articles in advance of print, options to save searches and tag articles, and quick and easy access to the Journal of Addiction Medicine podcast—Addiction Medicine: Beyond the Abstract.
Journal Collections
(JAM) Impact Factor (IF), is 4.2, as released in June 2024 by Clarivate’s. The IF metric is a ratio of the number of citations received in 2023 for articles published in 2022 and 2023 and the total number of citable articles that JAM published in 2022 and 2023.
Journal Ranking: Clarivate ranked the journal 5th out of 55 journals in the Substance Abuse” category, putting it among the top 10 percent of journals in this category. This reflects JAM’s improved performance, as the number of journals more than doubled (21 to 55) in the Substance Abuse category this year. While ASAM had a higher ranking in 2022, JAM outperformed a much larger pool of journals in this category.
“JAM continues to maintain a strong position in SUD-related journals, as its stature continues to grow among peer publications,” said JAM editor in chief David Fiellin. “We owe a lot to our authors, editors, and readers who are deeply committed to advancing the science of addiction medicine.”
Topical Collections from the Journal
- covers topics from opioid detoxification using nonopioid procedures to methods for addressing outpatient alcohol detoxification.
- features articles containing studies of brain imaging in relation to substance abuse and other health issues.
- explores buprenorphine treatment and racemic methadone among other topics of pharmacological treatment.
- provides information on monitoring patients with substance use disorders, screening and intervening for drug use in primary care, and gender differences in standardized screening tools.
- includes articles for addressing comorbid substance use and anxiety disorders and pregnant women with opioid addiction, among other diverse cases.
Beyond the Abstract Podcast
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JAM Supports Open Access Publishing
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Online Submission/Review System
JAM only accepts submissions via our online system. Visit to submit articles.
To contact the journal with questions about the submission process or the publication of your paper:
Journal of Addiction Medicine
Michael A. Arends
Managing Editor
Fax: 858-784-7450
Circulation Information
(ISSN: 1932-0620; Online ISSN: 1935-3227) is published six times a year by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 16522 Hunters Green Parkway, Hagerstown, MD 21740-2116. Copyright © 2022 American Society of Addiction Medicine.
Annual Subscription Rates, including shipping and handling
$341 Individual Domestic (USA)
$383 International (US Dollars)
$145 Single Copy Rate
Individual subscription rates include print and access to the online version (Residents are online access only.) Institutional rates are for print only; online subscriptions are available via Ovid.
Individual subscriptions include print and online access. Click to order. Institutional copies are available through .
Journal Editors
David A. Fiellin, MD, FASAM
Kelly Dunn, PhD
Ismene Petrakis, MD
Frank J. Vocci, PhD
Marcela Smid MD MA MS (Acting)
Benjamin H. Han, MD, MPH (Acting)
Debbie M. Cheng, Sc.D
Charles Maynard, PhD
Sara Lodi, PhD
Antover Tuliao, PhD
Managing Editor
Michael A. Arends
Alexa A. Anderson (Lopez), PhD
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
To view the full list of the Editorial Board click .
Senior Editor: David A. Fiellin, MD, FASAM
ISSN: 1932-0620
Online ISSN: 1935-3227
Frequency: 6 issues/year
Ranking: Substance Abuse: 3/10
Impact Factor: 5.5
Peer reviewed
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